Track file-system changes over time Mostly to help me plan for future disk purchases and size my backup needs over time. These tools provide a way to collect file-system metadata, store that metadata into an SQL database, and then conveniently query that data or compareĭatabases. Shell, org-mode file, and sqlite3 (with a bit of ruby) Materialize the BIG view and add indexes to result ( faster3) Materialize smaller views and add indexes to result ( faster2) Add indexes for faster queries ( faster1) Megaabytes/second processed durring DB dump and CSUM Objects/second process for entire process run time Objects/second scanned during filesystem scan phase Fast method using lft from the fsobj table

Fast method using id from the fsobj table If id is in pre-order tree traversial order, then… Objects with same name but diffrent time stamps Objects with same name but diffrent content Checksums that only exist in one of the scans Files on right with content matching no file on left Files on left with content matching no file on right Size of the objects directly contained in that directory Disocver the lft and rgt values for our path By each user ( userid, uname, =groupid & gname) variance, mean, count, sum, & sum of squares broken out by file extention variance, mean, count, sum, & sum of squares Relative path and size for the median file Relative path and size for the largest 20 files Relative path and size for the largest file(s)

List check sum and fully qualified path names for non-empty, regular files with the same check sums Space consumed by files which have no owner in the groups table

Fully qualified path names for files which have no owner in the groups table Space consumed by files which have no owner in the users table Fully qualified path names for files which have no owner in the users table Select objects directly in this sub-directory Find all roots of all subtrees containing object

Selecting objects in a sub-tree or sub-directory